To make this plugin we need to follow those steps:
Step 1. Create plugin folder, main php file and fill it with standard values.
Step 2. Create a menu where custom text can be added (in this case we will create a submenu of Generic Settings) add_options_page() with callback function that will generate the whole content of this menu page
Step 3. Add settings function with admin_init hook to include all settings methods
Add section add_settings_section()
Register settings so that the value can be saved in the database register_setting()
Add settings field add_settings_field() with the function to create this field in html (or php)
Step 4. Edit callback function form step 2 to create a form that can send data to database
Step 5. Add function to change the content and add_filter(’the_content’)
Plugin Name: Add Text
Description: It adds some text to the content
Author: pikademia
Version: 1.0.0
Author URI:
if ( !defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
exit; // Exit if accessed directly
// Step 2 Add submenu with createPageATPI callback function
add_action('admin_menu', 'addSubmenuATPI');
function addSubmenuATPI(){
'Add text plugin',
'Add text',
// Step 3
add_action('admin_init', 'createSettingsATPI');
function createSettingsATPI(){
add_settings_field('myTextField', 'Add your custom text:','createFieldHtmlATPI', 'addTextPage', 'ATPIsection');
function createFieldHtmlATPI(){
<input type="text" name="myText" value="<?php echo esc_attr(get_option('myText')) ?>">
// Step 2 nad 4
function createPageATPI(){
<div class="wrap">
<h1>Add Text Plugin</h1>
<form action="options.php" method="POST">
// Step 5
add_filter('the_content', 'changeContent');
function changeContent($c){
if (is_main_query() AND is_single()){
$myText = esc_attr(get_option('myText'));
$c .= "<p class='atpi'>$myText</p>";
return $c;
If you want to be able to add html markup so that you can add styles to your input, just get rid off esc_attr() in the changeContent function but it’s not recommended.
If you, or somebody else type javascript code it might be dangerous. For example if you typed <script>alert(„Hey, you were hacked!”);</script> the popup would show up.
You can always style your custom text output with css based on the class provided.